April 13, 2020
It’s hard to believe that less than a month ago we were all living our normal lives, with nothing but our normal worries and problems to think about. With the COVID-19 pandemic upon us and national quarantine guidelines it’s very easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you’ve lost all of your structure in your day to day life. Chad, Pete, and I sat down for another episode of the LIFT Bodcast and we all shared some great strategies to...
December 27, 2019
By: Jared BlincowWith December comes DEADcember and another opportunity to build and develop one of the big three lifts! The deadlift is one of the most important lifts in our training arsenal and comes with a handful of benefits. The posterior chain of the body often gets neglected by gym goers even though our largely sedentary lifestyles means we need to train and strengthen this part of the body more than ever. The posterior chain is a group of muscles...
November 13, 2019
By: Jared Blincow CSCS, FRC, Coach at LIFT ChicagoHow many times have you heard that if you’re leaving reps on the table and not training to failure then you’re missing out on some serious gains? What if I told you there was an alternative approach that was just as effective, allowed for greater recovery, higher quality reps, and still yielded the same results? I’m not saying there isn’t a time and place where training to failure fits into a well-designed...