“I want to start lifting weights, but how do I not get injured?”
Many associate lifting weights with getting injured, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Injuries can happen in any activity, which is why we don’t like to use the term “prevention”. We can’t fully prevent them, but can do our best to immensely reduce the chances.
The beauty about strength training compared to other activities and sports is its extremely controlled environment. With the proper knowledge and precaution taken, we can significantly reduce the chances of injury in the weight room.
Here’s a few things to consider to keep yourself as safe as possible in the weight room.
Proper Warm-up
A warm up is intended to prepare you for more intense activity and the workout ahead. Make sure you elevate the heart rate, increase core body temp, and do some movements that mimic your main lifts for the day.
Good set up and quality form
We always say “you can’t perform a movement properly if you don’t set up properly”. Focus on having a good set up and precise form throughout the exercise. Our coaches are constantly correcting and teaching throughout your workouts.
Proper exercise choice
Having the exercise that best suits your current fitness level, limitations, and/or goals is key to staying healthy. Just because you see people barbell back squatting on instagram doesn’t mean that is the correct exercise for you.
Load and volume
Most injuries happen when people load too much weight on the bar for their current strength or perform too many reps with a certain load. Controlling how much you lift in a certain set, workout, and week can help keep you in the gym and making progress.
Want to stay safe in the weight room, make solid progress, and not have to think about what you will do each day? Come train with our staff! Hit the button below, grab the intro pack, and get started today!